Brukstilfeller av granulært aktivert karbon
Mat- og drikkevareindustrien
Talking about the food and beverage industry, it is necessary to mention that granular activated carbon is additionally used in the production of beer. For example, the pourable powder is used in the filtration of brewing water and when trying to appear more tastefully pleasing as well as produced more so in its clarity. The granular activated carbon adsorbs the tasteless, coloration and odorous pollutants in the water ensuring the beer brewing results in good quality beer.
Ogsågranulært aktivert karbonKan brukes i produksjon av juice og andre drikkevarer for å forbedre smaken ved å fjerne uønskede smaker fra forurensninger.
Farmasøytisk industri
Granular Activated Carbon is utilized in dehydration of impure raw materials and intermediate products for the manufacture of medications. Its beneficial selectivity to remove contaminants or impurities makes sure active ingredients are not contaminated which adds to effectiveness and safety of the end pharmaceutical products.
Granulært aktivt karbon er også nyttig for farmasøytiske selskaper ved at det gjør dem i stand til å oppfylle miljøforskrifter for avfallsmaterialer samt minimere miljøpåvirkningen.
When water is passed through a granular activated carbon filter, carbon’s inward structure serves as a trap for organic compounds, chlorine, and other impurities. The bulkiness of granular active carbon is associated with its excessive adsorption properties that enable retention of these undesirable elements.
I disse avanserte vannrensesystemene tilsettes flerlags granulært aktivert karbon etter forbehandling av vannet for å fjerne relativt store sedimenter. Vann avfases først for behandling som tar ut relativt større partikler, og deretter føres det gjennom granulære aktiverte absorpsjonssenger. Denne tofasede behandlingsprosedyren resulterer i forbedret gjenvinning av forurensende materialer.
In air filtration applications, adsorptive removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), odor, and most especially gases is carried out using a granular activated carbon. While air passes through the filter of activated carbons, the dirt is picked on the surface of the carbon particles.
I HVAC-systemer er granulære aktiverte karbonfiltre montert for å forbedre inneluften. Disse apparatene, også referert til som luftrensere, minimerer allergifremkallende materialer, røyk og ubehagelig lukt fra innemiljøet og forbedrer brukernes helse.
Industrielle applikasjoner
In chemical manufacturing, granular activated carbon serves to trap and purify solvents which are recovered from waste during the manufacturing process. Granular activated carbon is applied in the treatment of effluents in treatment works to remove organic contaminants prior to the effluents being let into the atmosphere. Its properties of retention of pollutants helps in the compliance and regulation of wast Water quality management.